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An Intro to Parakeets

Parakeets, also known as budgerigars or simply “budgies”, are a popular pet bird species that are relatively easy to care for and breed. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, and can make great companions for bird lovers of all ages. In this blog post, we’ll explore parakeet aviculture, including breeding information, information about eggs, varieties, prices, and more.

Breeding Parakeets

Breeding parakeets can be a rewarding experience for aviculturists, but it does require some knowledge and preparation. First and foremost, it’s important to ensure that the breeding pair is healthy and of breeding age (around 9-12 months old). Provide a suitable nesting box filled with nesting material, and monitor the pair closely for signs of mating and egg-laying.

Parakeet Eggs

Parakeet eggs typically take around 18-21 days to hatch, and the chicks will usually fledge (leave the nest) around 4-5 weeks after hatching. It’s important to provide the breeding pair with a high-quality diet and plenty of calcium-rich foods during this time to ensure healthy egg development and chick growth.

Varieties of Parakeets

There are several popular parakeet varieties, including the common green/yellow parakeet, blue parakeets, and albino parakeets.

The common green/yellow parakeet, also known as the wild-type budgerigar, is the most common variety of parakeet. They have green feathers on their wings and back, with yellow feathers on their face, chest, and belly. Males have a blue cere (the area above the beak), while females have a tan or brown cere. These parakeets can be easily bred and are available at most pet stores. They are generally affordable, with prices ranging from $10 to $30.

Blue parakeets, also known as cobalt budgerigars, are a popular variation of the common green/yellow parakeet. They have a bright blue coloring on their wings and back, with white feathers on their face, chest, and belly. Blue parakeets are more difficult to breed than the common variety, so they are generally more expensive. Prices for blue parakeets can range from $30 to $100 or more, depending on the breeder and the bird’s quality.

Albino parakeets are a rare variation of the common green/yellow parakeet. They have all white feathers and pink eyes, due to a genetic mutation that prevents the production of pigment. Albino parakeets are also more difficult to breed, and are therefore more expensive than other varieties. Prices for albino parakeets can range from $100 to $300 or more.

In addition to these popular varieties, there are also several other parakeet mutations that are less common but still highly sought after by aviculturists and pet owners. These include lutino (yellow with red eyes), pied (patches of white feathers on a green or blue body), and spangled (irregular patches of light and dark feathers on a green or blue body) parakeets.

Prices of Parakeets

The price of parakeets can vary depending on the variety, mutation, and the location where they are purchased. Typically, parakeets can range in price from $15-$50, with rarer mutations or specialty breeds costing more.

Caring for Parakeets

Parakeets require a well-balanced and nutritious diet to maintain their health and well-being. In the wild, parakeets primarily feed on a variety of grasses, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. In captivity, it’s important to provide a similar diet to ensure their nutritional needs are met.

The base of a parakeet’s diet should consist of high-quality commercial seed mixes that include a variety of seeds such as millet, canary seed, and sunflower seeds. These can be found at pet stores or online retailers. It’s essential to choose a mix that is fresh and has not been sitting on the shelf for an extended period as the nutrients in the seeds can degrade over time.

In addition to seeds, parakeets also require fresh fruits and vegetables. Some great options include apples, bananas, carrots, kale, spinach, and broccoli. It’s important to provide a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure they receive a broad range of nutrients. Fresh produce should be washed thoroughly and cut into small, bite-sized pieces before being offered to the bird.

Parakeets also enjoy the occasional treat, such as cooked rice, hard-boiled eggs, and small pieces of whole-grain bread. It’s important to note that treats should only make up a small portion of a parakeet’s diet and should not be offered too frequently.

It’s also crucial to provide fresh, clean water daily. Parakeets are small and can become dehydrated quickly, so it’s essential to ensure that their water bowl is regularly filled with fresh water.

In summary, parakeet aviculture can be a rewarding experience for bird lovers who are interested in breeding and caring for these beautiful birds. With proper knowledge and preparation, parakeets can make wonderful pets and companions for many years. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to join our group if you haven’t yet!